Thursday, 14 February 2013

Next steps

I think I got their attention, because this was their response this morning:

 If you would like to write to us, our address is; Customer Care, Mamas & Papas, Colne Bridge Road, Huddersfield, HD5 0RH. Alternatively if you would like us to contact you to discuss this matter further, please send your contact details to and we will gladly be in touch. Thank you.

In some ways this is a little disappointing because if I'd wanted to email them before I could have done.  Indeed, the purpose of having social media channels is to enable dialogue with your customers.  Still, I suppose it's quaint that old fashioned snail mail still carries some weight.  I chose not to put pen to paper and instead emailed them the following

Dear M&Ps,

I have recently been discussing the matter of over-priced spare parts on your Facebook page. You asked me to provide contact information for you to get in touch with me. Please do so - my number is xxxxxxxxxx.

To outcomes I am looking for are simple:

1. I would like M&Ps to reconsider your position with respect to the timescale for which spare parts are held to one that is more reasonable and in keeping with the lifespan of your products, even if they are discontinued.
2. To reconsider your position with respect to selling individual spares as opposed to over-priced packs.
3. To ensure that standard components are built into the design so that if needs be customers can pick up what they need from a decent hardware store.

I look forward to hearing from you.


At the same time I alerted them to the fact that I'd spread the story a bit further here and here.

I'll let you know what happens next.

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